Crooked, crowded, or misaligned teeth can create all kinds of dental problems, and fixing those problems can sure add up.

Putting your teeth in the right position not only improves the appearance of your smile, but it can save you time and money in costly dental treatments in the long run.

Instead of metal brackets and wires, why not save your smile the comfortable, faster way with Invisalign?

Check out this video to discover some of the advantages of this clear aligner system to straighten crooked teeth, and visit us during National Orthodontic Health Month to find out if it’s right for you. Ask us how we can help you save money off of your Invisalign treatment, too!

Call Kirchner Dental today at 812-913-6093 (Jeffersonville) 812-884-8304 (New Albany) 502-430-3451 (St. Matthews) or contact us online to schedule an appointment in Jeffersonville, IN.