Happy World Laughter Day!

That’s right, there’s actually an internationally recognized day to celebrate laughter.

Every year on the first Sunday of May, people across the world raise awareness about the health benefits of laughing, from boosting the immune system to promoting better cardiovascular function to relaxing the body and reducing stress.

But if you have a few dark spots in your mouth from old silver fillings, you probably don’t feel very comfortable about sharing a laugh with family and friends. 

If you’ve ever held back a chuckle or covered your mouth while smiling or laughing because you don’t want anyone to see evidence of your past dental problems, we can help! We use metal-free composite fillings that match seamlessly with your surrounding teeth so even you won’t be able to tell where it is.

Watch today’s video to hear one of our happy patients describe how easy and painless it is to get a tooth filling at Kirchner Dental! We want to make your treatment as comfortable as possible so you never have to hide your bright, healthy smile or your laughter again.

Call Kirchner Dental at 812-913-6093 (Jeffersonville) 812-884-8304 (New Albany) 502-430-3451 (St. Matthews) for an appointment in New Albany, IN. You can also schedule online