If you have a full arch of missing teeth, getting individual dental implants is impractical, yet you may want more stability than dentures provide. The All-On-4 system enables us to give you a full arch of gorgeous, likelike teeth supported by just 4 dental implants. You get all the stability and structure of dental implants, and you will be able to eat, speak, and smile like normal.

Watch this video to learn more about the benefits of All-On-4 dental implants.

“You can’t even tell the person had dental work done. So it’s a great option.”

If you live in the Jeffersonville, IN area, call Kirchner Dental at 812-913-6093 (Jeffersonville) 812-884-8304 (New Albany) 502-430-3451 (St. Matthews) for a consultation. Or fill out and submit our online form.