For years two of the biggest oral cancer risks were smoking and heavy drinking. While that is still true, there is an emerging risk that is resulting in more young people being diagnosed with the disease. As you’ll hear in the video, if you have the HPV virus you are more than 30 times more likely to get oral cancer. 

We are highlighting this issue in April, which is Oral Cancer Awareness Month. As with any cancer, early detection is the key to long-term survival. It’s another good reason to see us every six months for a dental exam. Your dentist is trained to identify early signs of oral cancer. If he finds any, he will likely recommend a biopsy. 

In addition to regular dental exams, it’s a good idea to perform regular self-exams at home. The video will show you how. 

If you have any questions about oral cancer or other aspects of your health or need to schedule an exam, Call Kirchner Dental today at 812-913-6093 (Jeffersonville) 812-884-8304 (New Albany) 502-430-3451 (St. Matthews) for an appointment in New Albany, IN. You can also schedule online

Learn to perform an oral cancer self-exam. from on Vimeo.